Whether you’re interested in learning more about the Whole SELF Lifestyle, inviting me to be on your show, or just want to connect, I’d love to get to know you.
When the pandemic began in 2020, I had already been considering leaving social media. I didn’t hate it. In fact, I had met many wonderful people and gained so many resources I never would have otherwise. But as the lockdown began, I became more mindful of how much time and energy I actually spent on social media.
With two young kids, a business to run, and plenty of other personal interests gathering dust, I made the conscious choice to leave Facebook and Twitter (I had never even made it onto Instagram). Maybe someday I’ll return, but for the time being I am happily “social media free.”
For those die-hard social media fans out there, I do maintain a social presence on LinkedIn and would be happy to connect with you there. Otherwise, I welcome your emails at for a more personal connection.